Thursday, June 18, 2009

Same pictures zoom posted december 25, 2007

These pictures were first posted on December 25, 2007. I cannot zoom them on this post, but if you go to the post of December 25, 2007, you'll find them there. There you can zoom them and see all of the details. The insurance checks cashed by the attorneys were they defrauded me of the insurance money, and the fact that the second insurance check was cashed by them by forging my signature on its back. What kind of attorneys would do such a thing, cashing an insurance check by forging the client's signature on its back? The kind of attorney who knows nothing will happen to them because the State Bar of Texas doesn't discipline dishonest attorneys. Please note that I already had fired Ilene Smoger because she defrauded me but was forced by the State Bar of Texas to retain her as my attorney - by law, they should have disbarred her. They refused to do it. Ilene Smoger already knew she could get away with stealing the second insurance check because the State Bar of Texas wouldn't do anything to her. Did she received special treatment, or does the State bar of Texas does the same for all its members? Indeed, the State bar of Texas is a country club for lawyers. They shouldn't be the ones in charge of disciplining those same lawyers they coddle so much.
Dede Keith works for the Governor. As you see from her letter, she is aware of the misconduct by the State bar of Texas. The Governor of Texas knows about it, too. I wrote to him. They know that the State Bar of Texas allows dishonest attorneys to remain practicing in Texas with clean records, and that is very detrimental to the public. It only benefits the dishonest attorneys, not the public. The Governor's duty is to do what is best for the public, not for the dishonest attorneys. In that sense, Governor Perry is failing miserably at his job. He is not performing his duty.
Ilene Smoger should have been disbarred for committing Professional malpractice and State-jail Felonies and she still needs to be disbarred. There must be transparency in the government's decisions and the public must be able to know when attorneys are dishonest. Since the State Bar of Texas refuses to discipline attorneys who commit serious crimes, then another organization should take over.
Who knows how many more lawyers are in the same situation, [racticing law in Texas with clean records when they should have been disbarred.

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No justice in texas

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No Justice In Texas is the title of the soon to be published account of an average citizen's struggle to get justice done in Texas, which proves to be an impossibility. After a car accident, D. hired attorney Ilene Joy Smoger of Smoger & Associates [1]

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to represent her - but Ilene Smoger defrauded her, partook in insurance fraud, and kept the money. Although those are serious crimes and by Texas law Ilene Smoger should have been disbarred, sent to jail and forced to refund the money stolen, the State Bar of Texas [1]

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decided to break the law and not to discipline Ilene Smoger, who was allowed to remain in Dallas practicing law with a clean record. At the time, Ilene Smoger was the president of the North Dallas Bar Association. D. then proceeded to contact as many people in the government to try and help her. She contacted politicians, most notable Senator Florence Shapiro [1]

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, Representative Kenny Marchant, Texas Attorney General, Texas Governor, the Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism (a misnomer) [1]

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, and both candidates for the 2008 Presidency. Her case resulted in the convenient death of attorney Bryan Stone, that is, convenient for the State Bar of Texas. Mr. Stone was found dead of a gunshot to the head the day he was going to confess what he had done with the money of the insurance check both him and attorney Ilene Smoger cashed by forging the signature of their client (although Ilene Smoger had been fired for insurance fraud and embezzlement, the State Bar of Texas forced D. to keep her as an attorney and she collected money from the second insurance check, the one the lawyers forged D. signature to cash it).

For over a decade D. kept trying to get justice done in Texas. However, the State Bar of Texas and Texas politicians continue in their refusal to discipline Ilene Smoger, refund the money Ilene Smoger stole from D., and explain the reasons (other than the fact that the State Bar of Texas is a corrupt country club for lawyers) why they didn't discipline an attorney who committed state-jail felonies. D. also realized that she was not alone. There were far too many people who had been defrauded by their attorneys and the State Bar of Texas refused to discipline those attorneys. Unlike police departments that have internal affairs units, the State Bars of Texas is a self-regulating organization that refuses to regulate itself. The public has no way of knowing when an attorney is a crook or not, because both crooks and non-crooks are allowed to practice in Texas with clean records. The State Bar of Texas' decisions lack transparency, and they do not discipline dishonest attorneys. Ilene Smoger remains practicing law in Texas with a clean record. Who knows how many more crooks like her are practicing law in Texas with clean records, courtesy of the State bar of Texas.

Other articles about the State Bar of Texas failure to discipline dishonest attorneys are [1]

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and [1]

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, and the website [1]

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The objective of No Justice In Texas is to relate D.'s experience trying to get justice done in Texas so people can be aware of what really goes on when an attorney defrauds his/her client, and to change the system. If the State Bar of Texas refuses to discipline attorneys who commit felonies and other crimes, as in the case of Ilene Smoger, then a different organization should be in charge of disciplining attorneys. that organization cannot be the Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism because they are also not interested in promoting ethics among lawyers. It must be a different organization and their decisions must be transparent for the public to see. To protect the public from predatory attorneys like Ms. Smoger, the organization in charge of discipline cannot protect the predatory attorneys. Therefore, the State Bar of Texas should not be in charge of discipline.
The State Bar of Texas is too corrupt.

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