Saturday, April 19, 2008

Question to Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama

Dear Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama:

The three of you are vying for the presidency of the US. The three of you claim to stand for change, the fight against corruption, and regular people. What would your government do to help a person who've been continuously denied justice by the State of Texas and the Bush Administration? There has never been any doubt that I was defrauded by attorney Ilene Joy Smoger. There has never been any doubt that what happened is called "insurance fraud" and it's a state-jail felony punishable by jail time and the disbarment of the attorney in question. The Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure are very clear at stating what constitutes Legal Malpractice. What Ms. Smoger did constitutes Legal Malpractice. However, the State Bar of Texas decided NOT to discipline her in spite of the fact she should have been disbarred according to Texas law and sent to jail.

Do any of you, senators, believe that lawyers are entitled to defraud their clients and insurance companies and not be disciplined by their State Bars? Do any of you believe that attorneys and government officlas are above the law? Is any of you willing to actually help a regular person obtain justice that has been systematically denied by the State of Texas? Is it possible to ever obtain justice in Texas when the perpetrator of the crime is an attorney who happens to be well-connected with Texas government officials?

To refuse to discipline an attorney who committed state-jail felonies, to refuse to uphold the law and to refuse to serve Justice is the trademark of the State Bar of Texas and of the Texas government. Is it fair, also, for us registered voters to assume those traits are traits any of you supports and shares?

There is no justice in Texas. There is no justice for Texans. When the Texas government is the one to break the law to protect a criminal, nobody is safe.

I often wonder why is that Ilene Smoger received this protection. Is she special, or is this the way the State Bar of Texas and Texas government treats all shysters that commit state-jail felonies and defraud both their clients and the insurance companies?

In 2007 the State Bar of Texas ran a contest called "Justice for Texans". The hypocrisy is overwhelming. There is NO Justice In Texas For Texans BECAUSE the State Bar of Texas REFUSES to discipline shysters. I emailed ALL the judges for the contest regarding my case. Not one of them emailed me back. Nobody in Texas is interested in upholding the law, and that includes the five people who judged the "Justice For Texans" video competition. All I received was an email from Governor Perry's office stating they would look into it. We are now at the end of April.

Governor Perry is a typical Texan politician. That means he is not interested in upholding the law and dispensing justice. It means Ilene Smoger will remain practicing law in Dallas with a clean record. It means there is no Justice for Texans AT ALL.

How long does it take for people to actually get justice done in Texas? Why is that the only politician who wrote a letter in my behalf


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